
TxPipe Bounties

TxPipe Bounties is a bounty management system designed specifically for open-source software development tasks. It's not just any bounty system, it's one that's built on on-chain smart contracts. This provides visibility and strong guarantees to all parties involved.

One of the key features of TxPipe Bounties is its integration with GitHub. It operates as a bot within GitHub, interacting with users through issues, PRs, and comments. This bot is responsible for setting up the on-chain contracts and monitoring all interactions.

In the TxPipe Bounties system, there are three main roles:

  • The maintainer: This is the individual or team maintaining a GitHub repository and has a task that requires completion.
  • The contributor: This is the individual or team that can complete the task by submitting a PR.
  • The bot: An automated actor that takes care of setting up the on-chain contracts and overseeing interactions.

The process is straightforward: a maintainer attaches a bounty to a GitHub issue. A contributor can then accept this bounty by starting a new PR referencing the bounty. Once the PR is completed, reviewed, and merged, the contributor can claim their reward.

Welcome to a streamlined approach to managing your open-source tasks with TxPipe Bounties.

Example interaction

The following screenshot shows an interaction with TxPipe Bounties bot using Github to attach a bounty to an existing issue.

attach bounty

The following screenshot shows an interaction with TxPipe Bounties bot using Github to accept a bounty and merge the ull request.

accept bounty