Bot commands

Bot Command reference

The TxPipe Bounties bot interactiosn can be thought as analogous to interacting with a CLI, with the big difference that commands and outputs are expressed as Github comments in the corresponding issue.

attach-bounty command

This command can be executed on any Github issue. It should be used on issues that describe the task to be acomplished.


  • reward: the amount in ADA currency that the contributor that fulfills the bounty will get once the tasks has been fulfilled.
  • deadline: the time interval starting now that the contributor has available to fulfill the task.
  • payer the address of the wallet that will be used to deposit the reward in the escrow contract.

Here's the example of the body of a comment that can be used to attach a bounty that provides a reward of 500 ADA, that needs to fulfilled within 60 days and that will be deposited from the address addr1xxx.

@txpipe-bounties attach-bounty --amount 5000 --address addr_test1vp626xyvsxnue73fkvjh2r3krfsv4xq3n0ma429k9fn5hhgcewutd --deadline 60d

accept-bounty command

This command allows contributors to accept a bounty and link a PR to it.


  • contract: the id of the contract of the bounty, which can be found as a comment in by the bot in the issue that describes the task.
  • address: the Cardano wallet address that will be used to claim the reward if / when the PR get approved and merged.